XP LOG (48)

The organization and management of complete logistical flows.

Sealogis Freight Forwarding provides customized solutions that guarantee flexibility and the improvement of logistical costs

  • Cross docking
  • Storage in bonded and non-bonded warehouses
  • Order preparation: by pallet, by package, by unit
  • Processing of e-commerce orders
  • Electronic inventory management with client interface: implementation of Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
  • Real-time information management
  • Management of trade operations: repackaging, barcoding, labelling, creation of display cases…
  • National and international retail organization: B to B and B to C
  • Custom pricing allowing you to control your costs
  • Development of logistics processes adapted to your requirements


  • Multi-client logistics platforms for all product types
  • Bonded and non-bonded warehouse storage
  • A powerful computerized management tool for order tracking
  • A network of listed carriers for distribution
  • A dedicated team of technicians trained in our clients’ specific requirements.

Sylvie Pissarello

Responsable France

Mobile : +33(0)6 16 08 46 85 / Tel : +33 (0)4 91 39 99 25
